Is Jinx OP right now?

I think she has limitations, first and foremost she has no mobility unless she gets a kill/assist (which you mentioned, but I think is a fair trade off in my opinion). I may be wrong but I believe her rockets additional range scales with level, which means she has to max it to make its range truly effective, this leaves her zap at a lower level, along with her traps, so her cc you are talking about is annoying but zap is easily blocked by a support just standing in front of you, and the traps are not THAT hard to avoid if you expect them, they are better at trapping you in a fight than they are at preventing damage to herself.

I honestly think that Varus has an equally strong laning phase and his late game is pretty strong too (due to % health damage). Once he hits 6 he has even better CC than Jinx, and I think its easier to hit it. Then he has built in healing reduction and additional damage on hit.

I think that Jinx lacks the "hyper" carry status that Vayne or Kog has. She also lacks the early game power of graves or ez. She does not have a spammable skill that allows her to turn short trades into bursts of damage, she lacks the dash to dodge skills like thresh hooks or morg bindings. I think what makes jinx so good is she scales throughout the game. Unlike Vayne/Kog who are both weak early game and easily lose laning phase if they arent careful, and unlike graves/ez who are much weaker late game than many other ADC's she actually scales evenly thoughout the game, thus making her appear to be stronger at all stages of the game than other champs. Put her against a kog late game and shell get destroyed. Put her against an Ez early game and shell also get destroyed (traps are pretty useless when you can just E over them... and her Zap is on a MUCH longer cooldown than Ez Q so he can poke much harder than she can).

Now all of this can be debated and others might feel certain aspects of her kit or her base stats need tweak, but I honestly feel that she isnt really that over powered. She is the example of what an ADC should look like who isnt meant to be strong either early or late game.

/r/summonerschool Thread