Job interview - Dress code question

How was your interview? I'm coming up on an interview next month and I am looking for perspective (I'm from India, but am now a US Citizen who has been working in the US for about ten years).

I'm applying to a company in Limburg in materials engineering. They asked me about salary requirements during the phone interview, which was caught me off guard. In the US I was told to go high on salary negotiations, but I never liked that, so I just told them what I'm actually making now in USD, but told them that I value benefits a lot. I have horrible insurance at my current job, and I have a $6k deductible plus monthly premium plus whatever fees I end up paying on top of it. Really, if I have affordable health care and affordable schools for my kid, we could be quite happy with a lot smaller salary. Those are my major future expenses.

Anyhow, the Netherlands work culture seems really great, from what I have read. Is it true that you don't check your emails after you go home? There is so much pressure to be available all the time in the US, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

/r/thenetherlands Thread