Jobless Garrett doesn't want to come on shift 3 anymore

Also if you were watching the reason they held K, summit, Curtis, and ramee for a 24 hr hold, you would understand why they were upset. Because they saw a car go to the warehouse, and that same car shoot up a cop right after, found casings, then search the warehouse because of those casings to find the gun? That logic could be used to raid any criminal that drives a car to a house or apartment and that same car shooting at a cop later on. It’s a weak excuse for a raid, and could be RPed out in such better ways. At the time they were also being told countless reasons for the 24hr hold that didnt make sense. Chang gang don’t care about being investigated or getting the nines, or being on a hold, but their streams potentially halted in prison for a weak reason…they just want things done the right way. If the cops didn’t say anything to them and got the warrant written up and ready beforehand then like K and ramee said, we wouldn’t have had the boys clean out the warehouse and they would have actually got them with something. Now they know the pd is wasting their time and theirs because they are incompetent at doing investigations correctly. Could you imagine the RP that could have come from a correct raid on that gallery warehouse. The boys knew about it being investigated for months and pretty much welcomed the RP. But when it’s done sloppily and hastily and they are thrown in for a 24 hr hold for the dumbest reason after their boys just were held all day long in the cells. Of course they are gonna be mad. You also have to realize that CG have gone through huge things like this, raids, Rico, court cases and the cops fumble it every single time. They are sloppy and invite the cop investigations for RP, but I feel (and they feel) like it’s never done correctly. Just my two cents.

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