July Assignment: Triwizard Task Development

The Task: This Triwizard Tournament task would require the witch or wizard to enter the task area, which will be filled with various magical creatures. The contestants will be required to befriend and bring back a magical creature to a judgement area.

Location: Forested area with a few different terrains such as a caved area, a lake, etc. In order to replicate the habitat of a diversity of magical creatures. A few ordinary animals (from the muggle world) will be included in the area in attempt to throw off some wizards.

Obstacles: Various magical creatures released throughout the area where the task takes place. Similarly to the maze in the goblet of fire, the area will be cast with a spell in order to make the creatures and contestants in the area behave peculiarly ( I forget what exactly was done to make the contestants behave oddly in the goblet of fire).

Rules and Restrictions: The creatures must not be harmed or forced in any way to be brought back to the judging area; the creatures must be lured by the wizard solely by gaining trust. Wizards can use their wands for this task, but only for self defense against other competitors and potentially harmful magical creatures. It is prohibited for contestants to use any spell on a magical creature in order to speed up to process of gaining the creatures trust.

Scoring: The scoring will vary depending on the different kind of each creature, the points will increase with the dangerousness of the creature. Each contestant is only allowed to bring back one magical creature. The amount of time that was taken in order to befriend the creature will also be considered while judges are scoring the contestants.

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