Jumped.. 2 broken eye sockets, 13 fractured bones, fractured skull, broken nose, broken jaw, broken ribs3

I HATE violence ... outside of 'the ring', where it's sport and both partiess agree to participate.

In that situation, I have had quite a lot of experience, and after reading "two broken eye sockets" .. the photo that I then looked at *no way showed a guy with two 'broken eye sockets' " ... in fact, the way his nose isn't even swollen I'd say that it's not even badly broken!

The black eyes look like someone who has copped a broken nose somehow, and the fact he hasn't specified which "13 bones" are fractured AND IF he really did have a fractured skull if he truly did have as many injuries as he says, he wouldn't be taking selfies *until after he'd been treated

I see a lot of guys come out of the ring who've been hit in the nose several times, hard and it never ceases to amaze me how tough noses are!, but that said, I also see guys come out with broken noses and they swell up fast and BIG.

Most guys continue to fight with a broken nose, in fact I've seen many guys continue to fight with all sorts of broken bones, arms, legs, lots of ribs and they'll tell you they hardly felt it, they just 'lost power in it' and couldn't punch or stand/kick etc, and with broken noses, becoz they can sting like a motherfucker, suddenly their ducking and weaving steps up a notch! lol, fair enough! But overall, the adrenaline coursing through their systems overrides the pain for a short while BUT the swelling is immediate, which is what makes me question the validity of this guys injuries!

Our bodies are awesome and have lots of clever ways to help us when we're injured and to stop us making the injury any worse!

Swelling occurs as the bodies way of protecting an injured part from further damage by either proving a protective 'cushion' as would be the case with a broken nose or, to restrict the movement of the injured part, such as in a broken ankle, arm or leg. Parts like ribs don''t swell as it wouldn't really help, they just hurt like a mofo to keep you aware that you need to look after it until it heals!

So, IMO, "If" this guy truly did have both eye sockets broken and a broken nose, from my experience (unless he had been applying lots of ice on his whole face) both his eyes would now be swollen shut and his nose would be huge!

Also, I also wonder why there's no blood? It's unusual that someone can sustain such damage to only their upper face while his mouth doesn't seem to have been touched, there's no swelling or blood, and even if he had rinsed it off it would still be noticeable!

/r/WTF Thread Link - i.imgur.com