Junior challenging your authority?

I am on the verge of deleting this thread because you guys seem to have more of an axe to grind then read what is posted.

That you believe you're the only one who should be teaching her to program out of everyone in your company and you explicitly stated this to her.

Where did I say that I explicitly stated this to her? My manager asked me to teach her to code and asked me to meet with her twice a day to see her progress. i did that. She didn't report her coding issues to me, but went to my manager.

I didn't complain to her or him, but only here venting. In fact my course of action is just to let her be.

That you believe she is circumventing your authority by asking anyone else for help.

because as far as I know my manager told her that i would be teaching her to code as he had asked me.

From everything you've said so far you sound like someone whose miserable to work with and even worse to work under.

probably more your axes to grind.

Plus you don't seem to hide your contempt for her and people you view as being lesser very well.

aside from my very junior comment which i didn't mean in contempt, there was nothing i told her to suggest that.

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