And I just finished the book...observations on how it diverged from the show (SPOILERS)

I keep hoping that because they somehow salvaged Candace (reflecting a deviation from the book) they figure out a way to bring back Beck too, but I cant see how.

A couple other random thoughts:

-I get the instrument that Paco was insofar as further building a sympathetic character, but why did they have to have him be the one to ultimately sentence Beck to her fate. Were they setting the stage for Paco to become Joe some day? Joe certainly repeated enough of the things HE heard to justify actions.

- Interesting that they did give Elizabeth Lail the opportunity to have such a huge featured role in the finale, both in her manuscript, hearing her thoughts more than we ever had before, and in her incredible back and forth swing of emotions, some real some survival instinct, and her amazing angry monologue. Seems that in the book, Beck, while she did seduce him that one last time, never connected with the READER like TV Beath did with the viewer.

- I am SO glad they didnt the way she died. That was a soul crusher....

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