Just found this show. Excited but Izzy ruins it, is she in it/like this the entire time?

Actually, she doesn't even 'kinda' get it. Somehow, the guy who was pretty much right about everything (albeit maniacally so) gets blamed for everything (nick). Izzy never admits to anything and is basically the reason nick is blamed (still cries like a spoiled child, get over yourself and do the right thing). Mara is too dense to realize her own narcissism which leads to her own blind spots about the people around her. Ronald is mad at nick?? bc why, nick was RIGHT about him?? lol. Does he clear that up for the benefit of his 'boy' who is the sole reason he was let back in from the buyout? Answer - no. Wes chews out nick in front of the staff for Araknet's bruises bc he believes nick to be a fool, but really he's the fool for not realizing he believes the opposite of what's actually true about everyone.


-likes to drop that tear

-forgets the mess she's in was caused by her five minutes earlier

-cannot believe she's blamed for what she's actually to blame for


-decides a funding meeting is the perfect time to 'live her truth'

-power grabs a company no investors would ever pick her to run

-overlooks nick's authentic loyalty

-remains loyal to everyone else's fake loyalty

-has amnesia about her poor judgment regarding said loyalties


-misjudges nick then pokes at him with daddy issues claim

-apologizes to others only when it's convenient/beneficial

-runs off the only person who had his best interests in mind (nick)


-disowns nick for selling him out meantime sells out childhood friends

-pulls the wool over everyone, incredulous about nick's accusations

-still allows nick to take the heat even though he DID betray Araknet


-his only lie saves company and gives team culpable deniability

-only one blamed for ulterior motives yet is only one without them

-only person loyal to Araknet

-loyal to his friends who aren't loyal back

-calls out ronny who gaslights him

-calls out izzy who gaslights him

-undeservingly forgives Mara who gaslights him

-should go find Alex & start a third internet that's also a coin and also all of your apps in one called selfcoinnet

Easy solutions-

put nick at CEO cause he cares

let Wes own the company but get him into therapy, like in-patient

give izzy a 'fun room' w/ latest tech/resources & take it away from her every time she cries

let mara run entire company w/out another person's help for a week

then demote her, hire Ronald's wife to bring newfound perspective to an unhealthy board room and perpetually call down ronald from his high horse

give ronald one of those memory montages where he realizes his own hypocrisy and goes to give nick a hug who then lets guard down and tells ronny he's sorry too, that he in fact breached his own ethical standards by letting loose a million people's intimate moments lol

find a reason to bring back phil

bring back vera, don't need a reason

oh, and the fact the mara believes she deserves to run the company is hilarious

with that said, great show

/r/StartUpTV Thread Parent