I just had a frustrating session, and I'd appreciate advice on how to improve it.

  • Smuggler - Thief is just what it says, a Smuggler (getting illegal stuff to someone for profit)
  • Thief (the method they get cargo is illegal too).

It is not a "face" and I dislike groups that use one face. Even the A-Team that claimed a character named Face, still used Hannibal AND Face. What if that Face character gets separated from the group or kidnapped... now you can't do squat because you had an expert with no backup.

Onto the GM's issues. From your write-up I am seeing it from the story/after effects and so some of it is still hard to untangle.

Thanks for the reply. I certainly am frustrated, so I guess I'll take those last few lines on the chin. I've added details in another comment reply.

It was meant that it has story, but no backup details, Rolls, or facts, just emotion. The new write-up additional details are good but leave out the rolls.

Like this part... from your write-up;

I attempted to present our case for our ability to interfere with the internal political games from the outside. The NPC immediately shot down my line of discussion by saying that they weren't interested, and that I would be selling out my friend in the process.

Was there a roll? if not that is the GM issue. No story should be so rigged that a PC can't interject a fun idea and have the dice muck it up. You want the NPC to refuse... fine make sure beforehand the stats are enough that it is crazy hard to overcome, but it should never be zero roll on that. That does not allow for Role Playing, and gets into movie scripting. You weren't even there at that point you were just told stuff.

For the record, my GM is alright at giving noncombat-types something to do in a fight, but the last few have been corridor/alley fights with nothing to interact with, while the rest of the group unloads heavy blaster rifles or vibroswords that make light work of enemies with 5-6 soak.

  • 5-6 soak? why? What justifies this level of difficulty? Do you ever run into 2 or 3 soak guys? Might be the GM ramped up the difficulty too early without thinking of the issues that may cause. Or you didn't prepare as the ramp up happened.

  • Nothing to interact with? Hrmm, do the baddies have comlinks? hack one of those to say something as a distraction and/or method to send them elsewhere? Role Play a thief! Trick em! Think Watch Dogs style.

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