Just a typical Saturday night on /v/

This is the problem with 4chan. Everyone here needs this rapid fire stimulus of information, drama and action packed into one tiny bit to appreciate it. Why? Because everyone here is fucking autistic, at least to some relevant degree. That's why you're here, to browse the message boards and constantly get new and different content at this rapid fire pace. God forbid something goes slower than cheetah pace, because /tv/ will be up in arms about it because their childish brains can't take the pause and get bored with it. That's probably why they watch the show at the same time they browse /tv/, because they just need so much fucking SHIT being spoon fed into their brain like 12 year old children.

I don't give a shit if you find the slower scenes corny or not, because if you do, you probably have the attention span of a dry potato and you're opinion probably isn't worth hearing anyway. There is a distinct reason kid shows are only 30 minutes long, possibly because they need different material constantly presented to them. There is a reason Breaking Bad is an hour long, and that's because it's an adult show made for adults, not you sperglord morons who throwing a fucking temper tantrum anytime there's a pause between dialogue.

But muh time, they could've done something in 10 minute that took an hour.

God damn fucking tough world we live in huh? Are you that autistic that you really can't appreciate the setting, the camera work, the visuals, the audio and what not? If you seriously can't sit still for one hour and appreciate the finer details of the show then you I highly recommend redoing your educational career, because you were obviously educated in some sort of action packed warzone.

And for a flair of edginess:

kill yourselves

/r/4chan Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com