Just wait until the Donald casts his eyes northward

I'm calling trump unfit not because of his politics, which i suspect range more center than right, but because of his inability to accurately gauge reality. Elizabeth may got flack for her crusade (which she abandoned) against smart meters. Got a wrong idea in her head, then learned. Do you really want me to list all the absurd conspiracy theories donald has proposed over the years? He is mentally unhinged, incapable of discerning good information from disreputable. Do you really want a nutty conspiracy theorist who thinks that there is no drought in california, just government artificially creating one. That climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the chinese. That obama was born in kenya and is a muslim. That vaccines cause autism. These are all positions he has taken. And you think that's evidence of a sound mind ready to make decisions that affect millions of people. That kind of befuddlement and distorted thinking become dangerous when given power.

Justin on the other hand, is inexperienced and won because of his dad and some of his own charm, and be honest, a well run campaign. He's not ideal. But to compare green/inexperience with a confused geriatric incapable of rational thought is disingenuous. And Trumps business chops are suspect. He's been connected to the ny mob multiple times, multiple bankruptcies, he may have grown his fathers fortune when he inherited it, but if he had left it in an index fund it would have grown 300% more. His "unversity" is a series of seminars the cost of which grow from free, to 1500, to 35000. "student advisors" have come out to report they are basically salesmen, who's job it is to advise potential "applicants" (they all get in) to take risky loans to pay for them, even encouraging them to use a scam. All to learn the secrets that allowed trump to underperform the marked by several times over. It's a scam, and a blatant one. He is clever in that he understands the value of his brand, but anyone who researches his products quckly learn of the quality of his products is rather less than one might hope from the Trump brand.

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