Josh Freed: We love Quebec, so why does Quebec see us as a threat?

Just so people who don't live in Quebec understand - pre university CEGEP programs are 4 semesters long. English CEGEP students currently take 2 French courses, the bill adds 3 more. Whoever designed this bill is evidently thinking that students need to be taking 2 separate courses on how to speak French simultaneously.

If you're taking 2 courses in the same semester, why not just 1 more involved course, you might ask? It would likely be pedagogically sound for students to have a consistent learning environment where possible to help build knowledge in a more consistent fashion, any sensible person would likely conclude. Well the reason they won't do that is because the people who wrote the bill have no idea how CEGEP courses work, don't seem to be aware that courses are not all the same length, varying quite significantly in their number of course hours, and that "3 courses" is, in fact, a completely meaningless metric.

The reason anglophones are annoyed by this bill is exactly because it was written by people who clearly have no idea how the CEGEP system in general works, let alone what goes on in anglophone CEGEPs. It's not because anglophones are afraid of learning French - the vast, vast majority of Anglophones in Quebec are bilingual. If the French standards of Anglophone CEGEPs are deemed to not be high enough, it should be the role of the ministry of education to revise FLS education to meet standards, not the role of lawmakers who don't understand how the CEGEP programs even operate.

The truth is that the people who graduate English CEGEPs are almost all bilingual already. So the question that needs to be asked is what is the purpose of this bill? Hence the frustration - English language institutions being legislated for the sake of creating legislation without any clear evidence of the problem that legislation will solve or how it will solve it.

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