Kenyan redditors who passed KCSE really highly(A- and above) between the year 2000 and 2018. What are you doing with your lives?

In 04 I got a 90% average in KCPE even though I'd been playing GTA all evenings after school. Any other year I'd have been on the news but that year people had really high marks. Went to a 2nd tier national school.

In high school I rebelled against the expectation of good grades. I tried out popularity, coolness, laziness, aimlessness. Still got an A-.

In campus I was looking for anything but good grades. Literally anything but. Zero effort. Barely graduated. Got a shitty job at a multinational where I still work.

I think if I followed through with some ideas or invested time & effort somewhere I could do well for myself & others. I can't afford a car with that job. I live in a bedsitter. I subsist on keg and cheap liquor and street weed. I have people who knew me at every stage or know all this about me who think I wasted potential but what might surprise them is that I have never thought that of myself. I'm always doing the best I can at any given time.

/r/Kenya Thread