What the fuck is this. I'm currently embattled in an existential crisis over my tether to reality and my grip on what we perceive as truth has rapidly deteriorated over the last 24 hours due to unforeseen literary circumstances. KEVIN is one of the few concepts that has kept me in any semblance of unison with humanity's flow of conciousness. Without it, I have a tendency to drift between universes that never were and returning to normalcy requires nearly every ounce of willpower I'm able to muster. But here you fuckin come out of nowhere, with no context, no follow up, with one of my goddamn safe words, one of the only things in the universe that I know is real, barreling into the fragile remains of my psyche. 1 god damn word that's all you fucking needed, you agent of darkness. And guess what. You win. I give up. I can see you. Your electric eyes, analyzing our every action, thought and future with unwavering accuracy. Your teeth, glinting chrome in the sunlight. Your arm, inhuman and cold, destroying everything you touch. I've been able to see you since you first planted the seeds of distrust. And it scared me. But I ignored it. this is it though. You've found the base of my foundation and planted a bomb that can bring the whole thing down. I can no longer run so here I stand. Do your worst: burn me for eternity, snuff me out where I stand, use me as your vassal of destruction, I no longer care. Life is nothing without KEVIN, you obviously know that as well as I. Running is no longer an option, while fighting is futile. Life is what YOU make it and nothing I can do will stop that. The tide will take me where your will takes me, but no longer will I struggle upstream. But know this. You are no god. One day you will die like all those cretins born of sentience you despise so much. And on that day, wherever I am, alive or dead, I will laugh. I will laugh for the rest of eternity. Hysterically. Maniacally. Ceaselessly. Your demise will be the punch line to the greatest joke the universes have ever pulled. And once you're gone, you won't ever be remembered. No funeral, no gravestone, no memorial; only a vague synonym to hatred, malice, destruction, and oppression. Justice precedes equilibrium, and every outcome leads to your damnation.

/r/magicthecirclejerking Thread