Kimi with Mintu and Robin.

Good question. It's a simple answer. I would save the creature closest to my distance and youngest of the 2. Chihuahua's have an average life spun of 17 years. Humans have an average life spun of 82 years. So in that situation, assuming Alonso is 33 years old, I would save the Chihuahua - if its closest to my reach. But if Alonso is closest to me, I would save him. If both are at equal distance from me, I would choose to save the Chihuahua. Life is built on balance, by my allowing the youngest creature to live longer and sacrificing the older creature who has been alive for longer - I'll be maintaining that balance. Life it's a ripple effect, every single little thing that you do, or no even notice - makes a positive or negative significant effect globally. You may not notice it and sometimes you will. By saving that little Chihuahua and giving it the opportunity to live a longer life, it could be the equivalent of saving 20 human beings on the other side of the world 15 years later. A ripple of emotions, sight, feel and memories from the incident will travel and be passed onto other people to all directions of the world until it takes effect and manifests into positive energy. It's like, I can change your day by just giving you a high 5 on your way to's all in the subconscious, you will feel positive subconsciously after that high five - that high 5 will in turn, manifests into positivity. You will find yourself doing your work well and quickly, your boss will then be happy with your work and decides to promote you - you'll get a pay rise. You will use the pay rise to go try your luck at the jackpot, you will win the 100 Euro million jackepot, you will go by a nice car with that money and at the car sales shop you will meet the girl of your dreams, you will fall in love and have great kids. All this just from an high 5. This world is a ripple, now he is another scenario that could happen after I saved the Chihuahua over Alonso, the Chihuahua could be owned by a little girl who suffers from depression and mental instability. If I had saved Alonso, that girl could have maybe committed suicide or run away. But since I saved the Chihuahua, the little girl is happy. She continues to live, she gets hold of her depression and she gets better, she goes on to study medicine at University, she is really good at it and discovers a cure for Cancer, Aids, Heart Diseases, Depression etc Ends up saving generations and millions of people world wide. All this just cause I decided to give a Chihuahua a longer life experience. It's all a balance, share, be considerate. I wouldn't keep feeding a rich person and let a poor person starve. Same thing, Alonso is older therefore is 'rich' in terms of life experience, the Chihuahua is young and has a short life spun therefore 'poor' in terms of life experience - therefore id give this creature a shot of living. No one runs this world, no one is bigger than any creature...all of us together, we make a ''God'', we shouldn't call our individual selves ''God''. It's all Balance...its right in front of us, in F1...if a car is not setup well, the driver will struggle, the driver will be slow and might even crash due to undeliverable and get injured. But is the car is balanced, the driver will be at ease, just cause he he sacrificed top speed for down-force, the driver will find himself in glorious success. But that driver that only wants top speed, will find himself in the pits of Hell. Sacrifce, Balance, Consideration and selfless love. A picture of Hamilton with his dog is just equally as special Kimi with his baby. At the end of the day we are all creatures of Earth, of the Universe or love.

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