Kraken's abysmal customer service regarding verification

Believe it or not, I am usually very understanding when it comes to customer service in the context of unusual circumstances, and if it was just a delay in processing my verification request, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. However, there have been a number of confounding variables that have increased my frustration.

1) After you submit a verification request, Kraken states that "[v]erification may take up to 48 hours." This statement strongly implies that Kraken will act on a verification no later than 48 hours after it is submitted. If they cannot deliver on that, which is entirely understandable, they should revise this statement.

2) They require an "ID confirmation" photo, in addition to photos of the user's license and face, containing all of the following in a single photo: (i) the user's face; (ii) his license; (iii) a signed written statement reciting a specific sentence. They don't list these three requirements on the page where a user submits a photo, and instead, a user needs to follow link to a fairly involved page listing these requirements. At a minimum, they could provide a brief list of the three required elements of the ID confirmation photo on the main verification page along with a warning that the requirements will be strictly applied. There are complaints all over the place by people who had their verification requests rejected because Kraken claimed their ID confirmation photo was deficient. Yes, idiots will be idiots, but when there is a consistent stream of individuals who fail to correctly follow a given process, it is time to revisit the design of the process.

3) Given the very long delays between Kraken's response to my initial support request and then equally long delay to my follow-up request after I submitted new ID Confirmation photos, it appears that their ticketing system shuffles support requests all the way back to the end of the line after Kraken acts on the ticket, even if the action does not fully resolve the issue. From my experience in similar lines of work, the name of the game is clearing tickets. The best way to do this is to actively work a ticket until it is resolved. This greatly reduces the number of total outstanding tickets and prevents an unmanageable number of tickets from piling up.

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