Krishnamurti 'Trying to become non-greedy is still greed’.

When I said that i don't care what anyone says, it was at the end of this debate, and I was not asking you questions but completing the replies you sent back to me so i just answered them back.

If you're friend said you in person, "nah man I don't care what anyone one says but that act is a selfless act" and he maybe had a smile on his face would you take it as you do that i dismissed totally what you said? or just think he is messing around?

I said it in a friendly way, it wasn't like i 100% think its true.

Also regarding my question you have missed my point

>No, What I meant was and asked you why do you think it is right of you to tell people they talk too much, endlessly talking?
>don't you think this is wrong to say to another person?

/r/Krishnamurti Thread Parent