what happen to me ?

It's clear to me how silly life is to carry on like I always have. It's quite clear also to me how thought works. I have gone through things as mentioned.

I was following a garbage truck the other day for a short stretch of road. It was a large truck that had a robotic arm that lifted the trash over the side dumping over top of the machine. After each stop numerous articles of trash would fly out. It was clear that this happened every week by the heaps of trash littered in the brush.

My heart rate immediately increased, and there I was anger, in conflict. All I did was visually see the garbage being strewn everywhere. There was no time to judge it. It was immediate. It is the same when I see cruelty to animals. The effect is immediate.

Is k asking to abandon the known to the point of seeing an atrocity and having no response? Am I just to abandon what I know of garbage and it's effect on the environment?

Is it that in knowing my thought I know the thoughts of others and the atrocities of daily life are understood and simply to be dismissed because others like myself are in astate of confusion?

/r/Krishnamurti Thread