Lake Tahoe Couple Targeted By Killer. Suspect Caught on Video. Search Continues.

Reply 2 2 from the first water board report I linked. It does seem that they won their case against the private water guy.

“The Nielsen parcel was originally part of the Neilsen Water System assets that were conveyed by sales agreement to the Tahoe Park Water Co. on July 1, 1989. The transfer was approved by the CPUC in 19893; however, a grant deed for the Nielsen parcel in favor of Tahoe Park was never recorded.

Several property owners of the defunct Nielsen Water System opposed the action to quiet the title, but Tahoe Park prevailed, and Placer County Superior Court awarded the full fee interest in the Nielsen parcel to Tahoe Park. Costs for surveys, a boundary line adjustment, title fees, and defense against claims were incurred. Land and land rights are a non-physical asset recorded as intangibles not subject to depreciation.

Total amount for Land and Land Rights is $61,337. Construction Protection

During the course of negotiations for the parcel land rights and boundary adjustment, the adjacent property owners, Wood and Spohr threatened in writing to shut down the Nielsen well, an incendiary action that would have interrupted water service to the entire community of 91 homes. A restraining order from Placer County Court was obtained, costs of which were shared with the Skyland Home Owners Association.

Total amount for the Construction Protection is $18,545.

Construction Injuries and Damages Alleged injuries and damages in connection with the Nielsen well construction (the well was approved into ratebase in Tahoe Park’s last general rate case) resulted in defense costs against an adjacent property owner. Tahoe Park insurance proceeds covered these costs and are credited to the account. A settlement agreement was executed in 2013 which provided for relocation and downsizing of the tank house, construction of a second offsite well,4 and a boundary line adjustment of the Nielsen parcel, by which the westerly 100 square footage area of Tahoe Park’s Nielsen parcel, that encompassed the old abandoned Nielsen well, was exchanged for an easterly 100 square foot area of the adjacent owner’s parcel, that contained the new Nielsen well.

Total amount for the Construction Injuries and Damages is $67,101.

Construction costs of the Nielsen well were previously approved into ratebase in Tahoe Park’s last general rate case. Subsequent construction costs in connection with the well include re-siding of the hydropneumatic tank house, clearing the parcel in preparation of reconstruction of the tank house, and demolition of abandoned structures. The total amount invested for Construction is $11,477.

The total amount invested for the Nielsen Parcel Title is $158,460. WD has reviewed all invoices and all facilities are used and useful.

This project was in accordance with a negotiated court sanctioned agreement with the adjacent property owner. A credit of $191,759 has been applied from Tahoe Park’s liability insurance for legal fees associated with a lawsuit filed by the property owner.

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