Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Border Wall (HBO)

Let's actually analyze it:

00:43 Apparently the idea of a Border to divide countries, one which is rampant with cartels and drugs, the other a superpower. Is bad. John how long would your socialist island last without a (albeit Natural) border to divide it from France. How long would Israel last against terrorists? Walls work.

01:42 He brings up its 'racist' but Trump never mentions race in any of his rallys or tweets. 'Illegal' is not a race

01:47 Classy John attacks Trumps hands? Aren't we talking about a wall?

02:27 Trump brings up the cost, $10 bn or $12 bn. Oliver hasn't yet stated how much he thinks it will cost. CNN spoke to civil engineers, Architects and academics and all said it could be done. There figure was $10.5 bn so Trump rising the cost from $4bn to $10-$12bn shows he is researching this seriously.

03:14 Trump acknowledges a child, brings him onto the podium. Oliver attacks him for lifting him up to ask such an important question. No other candidate has even touched a child (Cruz)

03:44 Oliver is going by Trumps statistics on the height of the wall. He doesn't take into account the foundation so I can already tell his estimates will be off. The foundation would be at least 5 feet deep, 1.52 meters. I can see the wall being built with pre-casted cement panels 20 feet high (10ft wide, 8 in thick). I don't think Trump will go as high as he says.

03:46 Oliver says the wall will stretch for 1000 miles. Which is wrong, taking into account the terrain it would be closer to 2000.

03:51 Oliver shows Trump saying the Panels would cost $10bn. Again, CNN had a team of people who are experts in this field doing estimates, Oliver has a HBO research team who need to appeal to a liberal fanbase.

04:02 Oliver says the wall would cost $16bn but again, all up the wall and its foundations with the beams is $10.5bn as worked out by CNN. Labor costs are much harder to work out yet he puts them at $1bn? How did he get that?

04:22 Oliver mentions building roads to reach inaccessible areas. Which is not true, Trump isn't going to build a wall from ocean to ocean going over mountains and through the rio grande. The places he will build the wall are easily accessible with vehicles and people.

04:45 The US spends $12bn on maintaining the border. If anything it will cut costs and save lives, as well as severely impact the drug trade.

04:48 Stop making these insufferable "jokes"

05:00 He brings up Mexico will pay for the wall. Mexico relys on the US for trade and the US implementing sanctions would severely damage the Mexican economy. Mexico would be forced to pay for the wall.

05:30 3 in 5 Americans have a landline John. It's much more popular than you think.

06:30 Trump makes a joke, Oliver attacks him. Didn't he do this with the hands thing when Rubio said Trump had a small penis and when Trump replied he was the bad guy?

06:54 Oliver brings up Trumps statements on the trade deficit with mexico. They aren't due to corporations spending but when one country exceeds its export/imports to the other. That money is held by the government of the country to which the deficit is owed and that country can sell that whenever they want.

07:38 Brings up the secure fence act. Says it was terrible. Because apparently protecting your country (Or trying to) from drugs, crime and illegals is bad.

09:38 Yes the 80 year old women who only cares about golf courses knows exactly how much crime that fence stopped, I'm not saying it's perfect, it's not. But it did hinder a lot of illegals and drugs. We can see that it did drastically reduce the number of illegals coming in.

10:32 They sold their land for beads. C'mon...

12:51 Typical argument, they'll bring a 31 foot ladder if you build a 30 foot wall. However they never bring the ladder. Look at Israel. 90% of border guards support Trump.

13:50 Trump tells the truth, yes people will get over the wall. IF they are determined enough. Thats not saying it won't drastically reduce crime, drugs and illegals thats facing reality.


14:50 Trumps not talking about all immigrants, but a large portion ARE rapists, murderers, they do bring drugs and crime. Thats a fact.

15:33 "Immigrants commit crime, but so do Americans so don't build a wall" is the same as "Some people die from crack, but not everyone so don't ban it"

15:38 I see he got that from the open borders website, I've seen it before. It's poorly drawn comparison between Americans who immigrate to Mexico and Mexicans who immigrate to the US. Check out these and it throws his source in the bin [1] [2] Illegals accounted for 37% of federal sentences in 2014. "relatively tiny" he says

16:57 It's not just the "warm sense of satisfaction inside" it's knowing no more american teenagers will get hooked on drugs bought in by the illegals, it's knowing women won't be raped and murdered by illegals, it's knowing terrorists can't sneak through.

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