Laura on ME:A depictions of homosexual relationships (podquisition 124)

The thing is, if you don't buy into this whole "media-colludes-to-smear-minorities" thing, then it isnt one of the small issues contributing to a bigger issue. I personally do not believe that a fade to black in a video game is part of some giant brainwashing scheme on the public, that's ridiculous. It's just a neutral fact, that the fade to black is sooner on the LGBT than it is on the straight relationships.

I'm sick of being told I have unrealised biases. You do not know anything about my biases, you can only speak for yourself.

The depiction of gays in games is not holding anybody back. This idea of mass media brainwashing is borderline tinfoil hat shit. And yes, i totally agree it is ridiculous that game devs have to devote time, money and attention to non issues like this. Game development is already ridiculously difficult and stressful.

No, Laura did not push it hard as far as I know ( I stopped watching pretty soon after that statement) but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous to me. It is the top of the social justice iceberg anyway, Laura and others from her circles have voiced opinions i oppose regarding things like the misgendering incident where Laura wanted to fuck that whole guys life because he "deliberately" misgendered her.

With that said, thanks for your input, have fun catching up! My aim is to discuss, not to argue. Thank you for being polite.

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