I was at least happy to see that he was immediately called out in the comments on his bs. But it’s the same old narrative used to push your problems onto everyone else, except yourself.

This generation of men is the first of its kind who has to look to women as their equal (and superior in many instances) and I think men are just aren’t equipped to deal with it yet.

On one hand the roles in our society are still divided very traditionally. Yes, men are still expected to take the initiative in relationships/dates and they’re still considered to be the breadwinner and head of the household. But on the other hand women nowadays have very similar opportunities, providing them with independence, assertiveness, rise up and have every right to have standards.

Most young men these days come from a household where the roles between man and women were still very traditional, or slightly overlapping into modern roles with their mother working a parttime job.

It’s gonna take a while before men will find that balance and we’re probably not gonna see it in our lifetime. But if we can keep incels, nice guys and MGTOWs from having influence there might be hope for future generations.

/r/IncelTear Thread Link - i.redd.it