For some reason this wasn't getting posted so I'm gonna try posting it as an image

  1. It's not. The only reason that would be true is if we didn't live in a modern society and there was some survival advantage to not being short...but guess what, that's not the case. We live in a society where it literally doesn't matter how tall u r
  2. I long as they treat u nicely than alright ig...
  3. So...the age of consent basically protects children and underage teenagers from having sex with with pedos and whatnot. However, i don't think anyone really cares if two underage people have sex. I think that's ur main argument here, is that underage people should be allowed to fuck and tbh they kinda r. It's not considered statutory rape because both of them r underage. Furthermore, we also have Romeo and juliet laws for instances such as a 18 year old and 17 year old getting together, that's not illegal because of that law
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