Weekly Advice Thread (June 29, 2020)

I see, im just confused what the hell a date is supposed to be like. Because this (albeit it was virtual) just felt like a friendly hang out with a girl. I didn’t feel any romantic vibe. Granted it being only my 2nd date ever and virtual could also affect things drastically.

Almost a bit more than half a year ago I had a hang out with a girl I met irl that honestly felt more datey than the actual dates I have been on. That hangout though unfortunately never led to anything (but it could be because I was afraid t escalate). We hung out just us in the hot tub and later had drinks and dinner together. I even held hands with her (first time in years). Too bad she basically ghosted me after actually asking her out. I have a feeling it was because I wasn’t agressive enough that day.

/r/IncelTear Thread Parent