what are they on?? (mention of SA)

Trigger Warning: SA statistics

“False” sexual assault are such a extremely small amount of a huge issue. Its estimated that around 5% of all SAs are “false” But false in this sense doesn’t automatically mean fake, just that isn’t proven in the eyes of the law. Groundless/baseless/unproven reports are also called false. But if someone commits a crime and it isn’t proven, does that mean the crime didn’t happen?

The whole thought process that “false” SA cases make up a large portion is so fucking stupid and shows how people will just spout bullshit without looking at facts. Not to mention how common it is (politicians, for example) who rave about “false” SA being a huge portion.

This whole comment was extra af but I just hate seeing this shit the most. Both the blatant fake media, falsifying stats, and insulting those who should be supported.

Hope this guy never has a good day.

/r/IncelTear Thread Link - i.redd.it