Lee Sin rework

The fact that he had to do X to be able to do Y was obviously one of lee sins unique stand points, however, id really only made sense with his Q

It was actually the primary theme throughout his kit. By breaking his abilities into two parts it not only forced players to better manage their energy (by weaving in autoattacks to keep topped off), but it also sealed away a large amount of Lee's innate utility tools behind a resource wall. He doesn't just execute damage by pressing Q, he needs to land it. He doesn't instantly slow enemies hit with Tempest, he needs the energy to reactivate it. He doesn't just get a free defensive dueling steroid from using safeguard, he has to devote energy (and therefore time/resource that could be spent on other spells) to access this. Your rework kind of tries to just jam all the effects into a single activation and it comes across as very clunky and bloated.

Lee's shield is too weak, really, to be considered. only useful early and for preventing last ticks of dots.

To be fair, the shield is applied to Lee's target as well, and the primary use/ffect of Safeguard is repositioning Lee Sin himself, not the shield.

His many abilities made every single ability less impressive.

I'd argue that. His kit is so good because he has so many impressive abilities. His tools to traverse the battlefield and duel enemies are so varied that he's able to approach virtually any situation without a significant disadvantage. Individually, some of his spells may seem a bit underwhelming, but Lee is definitely a case where the Whole is great than the sum of its parts.

Also, his new Q is in no way a worse version of Akalis ult. It has more range, tons of damage, and can target allies

While I don't agree that its a "worse Akali ult," his new Q isn't particularly interesting - its effectively Jax's Leap Strike with variable range. You've really just mashed Safeguard and Resonating Stike into one ability, and made it so that Lee doesn't actually have to Land a skillshot to engage, but just be within 900 units of an enemy.

Yeah, i do realise his new W is a bit overloaded, however i do believe its the only ability that is overloaded. I believe this was necessary to preserve lee sins old values

But his old values were diffused throughout the many pieces of his kit, rather than jammed into a single clunky spell. I think you're approaching this rework with a bit of a muddled vision and it's not coming out the way you had imagined.

The E is supposed to be huge steroid. A small window of power where he deals a scary amount of damage. Also, running and kicking people in the face is freaking awesome.

Definitely a cool ability, just not a very "Lee Sin-y" ability. I don't think of "Flailing around and kicking people while you run them down" to be a Lee Sin quality. Lee is all about precision and thinking a few steps ahead of your opponent, not beating them down while you chase them. It's just kind of a mismatched ability to Lee's core identity.

Also gnars kit is overloaded because of the way his passive works, it makes sense

Half of Gnar's kit (which houses the arguably more powerful spells) is gated behind a semi-controllable transformation that is only available for very short windows of time that are heavily telegraphed to the enemy. Gnar might have a lot of tools at his disposal, but he's not able to reliably access these tools unless the player gives a great deal of thought and planning into their play. Gnar's kit is anything but overloaded.

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