AITA for telling my wife I regret marring her after she told me she no longer wants kids?

Yes, this.

The comments saying the wife conned/lied about not wanting kids is ridiculous. So the message here is that people aren't allowed to change their minds? Bodily autonomy doesn't exist? I understand OP is disappointed, but to make a statement like he did is not soon to be forgotten, if ever.

Also, I can't help but feel like OP left out some key details. How many times has this come up and she's just tired of hearing about, "When are we having kids?" Not only this, but OP strikes me as one of those people who expects their wife to give them more than one child (I'm thinking from the wife's perspective). It must be a lonely feeling that your spouse treats you more like an incubator, then accuses you of acting selfishly when you decide that you've change your mind.


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