Let's talk about Orlando


I've been on reddit for 11 months now, with my first cakeday approaching in July. I joined after the shitstorm surrounding /u/chooter, when a good bit of the site had gone dark.

Now, in the almost-year I've been on reddit, I've been noticing certain behavioral patterns from you guys that make me wonder: do you truly care about us users, or do you only give a shit when things start to affect your business?

Now I know that reddit is a private business; it can moderate itself however it desires. You and /u/kn0thing could take the whole site down and make www.reddit.com redirect to a giant ascii middle finger and be legally in the green. I'm not saying you would, but you certainly could.

I acknowledge that you have taken down undesirable subreddits in the past, such as /r/FatPeopleHate and /r/CoonTown, and more recently /r/European, but subreddits like /r/theredpill and /r/the_donald still exist and you haven't done anything about them. And since nobody over in San Francisco has provided an answer, I've come up with my own.

The moderators of /r/theredpill have disallowed the subreddit from appearing in /r/all. You can't see posts from it unless you subscribe to it or enter the subreddit yourself. So if /r/all can't see it, how does TRP affect reddit's public image? It doesn't. Moving on.

/r/the_donald had been the center of a lot of controversy recently. I have it filtered from /r/all myself, but I frequently /r/subredditdrama and /r/outoftheloop enough to have a good idea of what's going on. /r/the_donald is breaking sitewide rules on a regular basis, and the only reason it hasn't been quarantined or banned yet is because of it's name and the potential for reddit to become the center of what would probably be a very big nightmare for a few days. Just because it's not making you hemorrhage money doesn't you shouldn't take it down.

Sometimes I wonder what the point of even having rules on this website is if you're only going to enforce them when you get a call from Condé Nast.

/r/announcements Thread