What should the rules be for my blanket fort?

Ok so basically my gf and I have made a thing out of every 4 or 5 months making a pillow fort out of our bedroom or living room, and we are getting pretty good at it. First of all, let me introduce you to your number 1 fastener for making pillow forts: https://nihsc.od.nih.gov/prodimages/images/7510/7510-00-285-5995.jpg You wanna buy the biggest ones you can, you can pick them up at literally any superstore, walmart, target, etc. Second, you want to buy yourself some proper blankets for the task. Duvets, thick wool blankets, and fuzzy blankets don't make very suitable roofing blankets. They slip, they are slippery, and they are generally fat and don't clip to things well. What you want are sheets. Sheets make the best material for roofing, stacking 2-3 sheets (if you want a roof that doesn't let light through) will go way farther than 1 thick fuzzy blanket. The next part is your anchoring systems. You need objects to cast your blankets over and serve as points to suspend the blanket in the air. Armchairs, couches, chairs, bookcases, these all make good anchor points. What you want to do is attach your few sheets all on one sid eof the fort, and then pull the blanket to the other side and anchor there BUT here's the key. You HAVE to make sure the sheets are pulled super tight, because they will sag under their own weight. Now, you also want to have a floor going on. Now if you build your fort in a room with a carpet just laying down some thick blankets on the floor should be fine, but if you are over hardwood, my personal recomendation is, in all seriousness... Your mattress(es). Seriously, the set up my gf go with is first we empty out our living room except for the tv stand set up. Then we slide the couch and chair we have to face away from the TV, putting them up against oppisite walls. We then drag our queen size mattress into the room and lay it down in front of the TV, and slide our chairs up against the sides of the mattress. Then we anchor the sheets over top of all the chairs/couches/etc, encasing the tv+mattress inside of the fort. If you wanna go for a more portable (and eaiser to assemble) method that doesn't require taking your bed apart, maybe look into picking up some pull out bed mattresses, like the foam type you take out of the closet when friends come sleep over. 2-3 of those make an excellent floor for a pillow fort. Add in some pillows and all those fuzzy blankets you weren't using and you have a great start to the pillow fort. But this is just the start. First off all, you will realize pillow forts are comfy but everything you need is outside of them. So you will want to make some additions to make a pillow fort you can camp out in for maybe a day or two with loved ones. First of all, adding more room to it so it feels less claustrophobic is nice, and I have found the ultimate tool for this. My girlfriend makes music as a hobby, and we discovered posable mic stands are awesome for interior suspension. Put one in the side, then angle the arm out over the middle of the fort pointing up and now our flat limp roof is easily twice as high, making way more room and reducing stuffyness. Second, you want to have some storage areas for food, drinks, maybe add in a clock. Have a little storage spot for some other stuff, maybe even bring a change of clothes in so you can get changed and sleep inside the tent, it's up to you. A flashlight or two, board games, etc are all great additions to have a lot of fun during a weekend you have off with someone else. Hope my info helped you out :)

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