Do you think Lia Thomas competing in and winning the NCAA swim championship, is unfair to biological female competitors?

A woman isn’t defined by her vagina - we literally are. And that’s okay! The fact that our primary and secondary sex characteristics are what separates us from men doesn’t mean that that’s all we are! We can have many different interests, appearances, lifestyles, and personalities within the category of woman as defined by our sex - the only measurable definition of woman supported by hard science.

I find being defined that way about 100x more liberating than the idea that “woman” is some amorphous feeling that should make me want to wear pink and dresses and makeup and be more emotional or play with dolls and like unicorns or some shit. (Exactly the kind of unscientific, unmeasurable and frankly sexist shit trotted out to define “gender identity.”) Almost none of that describes me and yet I am proudly a woman. How do I know? I was born with a vagina and grew to have primary and secondary sexual characteristics of a woman. That’s it’s. I’m not “non-binary” because I prefer black to pink and don’t care about makeup or unicorns. Because non-binary is made up psychological shit. Brain sex has been debunked, by the way. Go ahead and google “brain sex debunked” you’ll find articles in reputable left wing sources saying as much.

Sex is the real, measurable, scientific definition of women. Sometimes we call people with gender dysphoria woman as a favor because we don’t want them to feel sad, but that doesn’t change reality. It wouldn’t even change reality if 95% of people stopped believing in science and went with gender identify instead. Just like religion didn’t make it true that the stars revolved around the earth. This is just a modern religion and too many people are being sucked in at first just to be nice or to fit in. It’s sad to see, because it ends up hurting groups like female athletes that the left used to care about.

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