Labour was warned antisemitism report was deliberately misleading, leak reveals | Labour


We've had the twitterati screaming forever that Labour would be 20points ahead with any 'sensible' Leader.

Now that isn't happening, it is because Corbyn did too much damage and you cannot overturn those perceptions overnight.

The fact Labour have been on a downward trajectory, even when Blair was in Office, and had lost two elections previously, just never registers. Everything is Corbyn's fault and anybody who defends Labour during his tenure must clearly be a basketcase communist woke millenial idiot.

If Labour would only be Centre, be Centre, be Centre, move to the Centre, have policies on the Centre, look at the Centre, win the Centre, play to the Centre, the Centre, give us the Centre ... they'd win.

Of course when you ask, let's talk about what 'the Centre' is, people don't have answers anymore, or start contridicting themselves.

It's politics in this country. Everybody things they are Central and Neutral and they aren't.

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