The moment I realized that the root of my disappointment with the Halo: Infinite reveal was that it allows PS fanboys to make fun of me is the moment I realized that I had allowed to console wars to take away from my joy of gaming.

I still can’t believe there’s “console wars”. Didn’t everyone learn you can buy both consoles? The thing that is sad to me is people who are arguing are fucking adults. We settled this with the snes and genesis, that should have been the end of it. They had ads targeted directly at the other company. Now you have heads of PS or Xbox saying great job to each other, they don’t care. The people who care are adults with nothing better to with the mind of a child. Downvote me but it’s true and it’s nonsense. You don’t need anyone else’s opinion to justify your own purchases or enjoyment. And guess what if you like what another company is offering you can be a damn consumer and go to a store and buy that one too.

/r/XboxSeriesX Thread