I see Liberty has gone through some....illuminating changes

I wish there was a new vegas style verbal smack down at the end of the game where you can just rip her apart.

Soilers of course >! I mean lets look at all three children with Sauls rankings in mind. Valor the useless, Victor the unhinged former heir, and Liberty: the ruthless effective child who would already be in charge if she wouldn't immediately turn everyone into slaves. Well what has Liberty actually done? A failed coup that exiled Valor and Liberty. So then she goes off to start building her grand coalition for round two.

Rather than camping out with her disfunctional army, the Dorceys decide to go off on their own to get revenge. And they nearly completely wipe out the incoming rangers, while Liberty's idea was to just sit back and not make a move. Then they attack the capital and take a bunch of hundred families members prisoner, taking over the garden of the gods. Well darn this would be a swell moment for Liberty to jump in with her goons, but instead she does nothing. Instead she just shows up to threaten you with her squad, but of course if you have a hacker you can kill her right then and there.

When you do finally go after her directly, all it takes to make her grand coalition kill itself off is to point out just how bad a coalition they actually are. When you barge into that bunker to find Liberty with her last 4 Dorcey stragglers and more hackable robots, it's not the big bad you're walking into. It's a failed rebel girl who only managed to accomplish wiping out her father's most dangerous opposition. Saul said that Liberty was the only true threat, but really she was just as useless as Val. Funnily enough i think Victor was the true terrifying one. If the rangers let him be, he would have rolled into Colorado Springs with his breathers and taken the city with barely a fight after a few gas bombs. Saul was so focused on his daughter and her army that he was blind to how effective his original heir truly could be !<

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