It do be like that tho

No thank you not with the political turmoil, I'd rather go to Europe or Canada if I was to leave. I love my country enough that I'd rather help stay and fix it than just run away.

Plus the US probably would rather lose another Christian Fundamentalist over me, my household probably pays more in taxes yearly than you do in at least half a decade.

But besides that, I have to say. What you're saying is fairly mean about an entire group of people. I would imagine you are a Christian right?

Would it be Christ-like to speak and behave as you are, demeaning and entire group of people and one of your neighbors? I don't think so from what I understand of him. He asked us to love neighbors and extend a helping hand. Feed our communities and house and care for our sick.

So if you're Christian I assume you're all for houses provided for the homeless, Socialized healthcare, and food programs for those of lower income?

It would be awfully hypocritical of you to oppose those as a Christian you know. You're supposed to provide these even as a burden onto yourself.

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