Lil Nas X in Japan

I got obliterated for making an obscure reference as this thread gained traction outside the LSF community. Everyone jumped straight to calling me racist. The rest of the comments here are fine (except for the homophobic one) so it was just me apparently and even after explaining the context people didn't seem willing to retract their outrage. LSF is pretty racist to upcoming black streamers and part of that is the tribal/generational hatred of W community but there wasn't any racism here, just an admittedly poor joke that snowballed from an early established narrative. I watch Kai and Bruce and can appreciate Speed's humor for being an edgy kid (reminds me of Cx) while expecting him to grow out of it. I don't condone bigotry but edgy humor will always exist and land for younger audiences so it's up to more mature people to guide them and foster a more inclusive environment. Hell I typed TriHard 7 when xQc showed up in the Overwatch League chat at the same time as the black caster like 4 years ago and even though I believed him when he said it was poor timing and was just using it to say hi (because he always did in other instances) I realized how that you don't get to dictate people's reactions regardless of intent and have to take accountability for the effect it has on others. That's why I stopped typing shit like ming Lee, anele, and rainbow emotes when people show up on stream. It's funny as a kid and sells really well unfortunately. People were right to call me out because you can't just afford everyone benefit of the doubt and let racism gain a foothold.

Literally look at any other popular thread about top black streamers for rampant racism but it wasn't here. I made a dumb joke but from the outside it looks like I was minimizing black content creators and so I removed it instead of trying to defend myself because it could embolden others to actually be racist and paints this community in a bad light.

Sorry for the essay.

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