list of things most top players have going for them once carpel tunnel hits

"list of things most top players have going for them once carpel tunnel hits"

Jwong will raise a kickstarter fund for new hands, only to still get bodied by subpar JP players

Yung Art will put those professional begging skills to use outside of his local 7-11

Ricki, works at the 7-11 where Art begs at..

Perfect "I get no bitches" Legend will continue to C-Walk on stream reppin a life he does not live, along with other fraudulent behavior..

Sonic Fox will run the first ever Furry Dōjinshi store in the states in collaboration with Deviant Art Middle Schoolers and Hot Topic Fuccbois

Pr Rog still cant come to terms with his impending baldness and will lie to the monsters and say hes undergoing Chemotherapy.. month later, PR Rog is diagnosed with Cancer. #STAYFREE

F.Champ has finally scam his way into prison and now has to figure out a way to timer scam his cellmates from entering his butthole for the next 20 years.. (15 for good behavior..)

Max will continue being the corporate shill that he is, spewing his fake hype for dat max CPM while his siste.. Oh wait, hes not a top player... NEXT

Floe will discover that refrigerator doors aren't meant to stay open..

Yipes, due to his diabetes, has lost the sensitivity in his fingers and toes. The FGC is now a distant memory for him. No more pretty ladies, no more money, and no more Curley Mustache.. And now, he runs a Diner called Broken Dreams, with dear friend and co-founder, Marn.

Senpai Valle's Alzheimers is now in FULL effect. Coupled with his "Kandy" habit, Level Up Live now consists of Valle and his friend "The Snow Man". And together, they have ran some of the most prestigious events in the Cock Fighting Community. You can catch the Top 16 every Wednesday..

/r/Kappa Thread