Literal poverty divide in Brazil

I'll argue that my argument instead relied on direct experience with members of a country the comment was referring to. You know your family, you know their beliefs, you see their actions. I was expressing the views of my family some of who were born and raised and lived there for 60+ years. The experience of growing up in Brazil is indeed not firsthand. My experience with some of the members of the group targeted in the comment however is firsthand. I believe growing up around these people gives me enough insight to their nature to justify my original post. They aren't on reddit and they were not here to defend themselves so I tried to on their behalf. I admit I should of restructured my comment to be less absolute, but I honestly thought only the OP would see it before it was downvoted to oblivion so I put low effort into it. These days if you say anything besides "rich people are evil bloodsuckers" your comment gets buried. However I understand what you are saying and respect your opinion.

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