Real Life Mordor

  • People would follow a way of life other than mine, and give guidance other than mine - Check

  • Men would dress like women - Check

  • Children born outside of marriage would become commonplace - Check

  • Disproportion in balance of men and women to such an extent that “one man would have to maintain (not marry) fifty women - No Check

  • Universal consumption of alcoholic beverages - Check

  • Time would move swiftly—a year passing like a month—a month like a week—a week like a day - No Check

  • Such prevalence of random killing, murder and violence that “a killer would not know why he is killing and the one who is killed would not know why he is being killed” - Check

  • Universal consumption of Riba (i.e, money lent on interest - Check

  • Nothing would remain of Islam but the name, and nothing would remain of the Qur’an but the traces (of its writing) (i.e., the Qur’an would not be studied, no one would follow its guidance, it would be recited mechanically etc.); the Masajid (mosques) would be grand structures but would be devoid of guidance; and the Ulama (religious scholars of Islam who represent such people) would be the worst people beneath the sky. From them would emerge Fitnah (trials) and they would be the centers of Fitnah (since they betray Islam)” — there are many distinguished scholars of Islam who declare that this prophesy, also, has today found fulfillment. - Already happening in other religions, let's see if it happens in Islam.

So that's a 6/8.

What are the Major signs of the hour ?

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