This has literally been bugging me ever since I started watching Doctor Who but how would the SCP foundation realistically react to existence of The Doctor. Would they try to contain him? If so, how?

Courtesy of ChatGPT.
I didn't tell it to name the MTF, but it picked a really fucking good name.

SCP-XXXX: The Doctor

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-XXXX is to be contained within a specially designed cell at Site-██. The cell should be constructed out of an alloy of tungsten and titanium to resist any attempts at breaching it. The door should be secured with a dual locking mechanism that requires two authorized personnel to unlock it simultaneously.

Due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-XXXX, no direct contact is to be made with it under any circumstances. Any attempts to interview, interrogate or interact with SCP-XXXX must be carried out remotely using the appropriate technology.

In the event of SCP-XXXX breaching containment, Mobile Task Force Theta-6 (“Reality Benders”) is to be deployed immediately. The team should be equipped with Scranton Reality Anchors (SRAs) to contain SCP-XXXX.

Incident Report XXXX-01:

On ██/██/20██, at approximately 07:32 hours, SCP-XXXX breached containment and escaped from its cell. The security personnel on duty at the time reported seeing a bright flash of light, followed by the sound of a sonic device being activated.

Mobile Task Force Theta-6 was deployed to contain SCP-XXXX. Upon arrival, the team activated their Scranton Reality Anchors (SRAs) and began searching for SCP-XXXX.

At 08:12 hours, the team located SCP-XXXX in a nearby park. SCP-XXXX was observed interacting with the local population and appeared to be using its sonic device to alter their memories.

The team moved to contain SCP-XXXX, but it quickly became apparent that its reality-warping abilities were too powerful for the SRAs to neutralize. SCP-XXXX was able to evade the team's attempts to contain it and disappeared from sight.

After an intensive search of the surrounding area, SCP-XXXX was located at a nearby airport. It had commandeered a small aircraft and was attempting to take off.

The team was able to surround the aircraft and disable it using an EMP device. SCP-XXXX was then apprehended and returned to Site-██ for recontainment.

Following the incident, the containment procedures for SCP-XXXX were revised, and additional security measures were put in place to prevent a similar breach in the future.

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