Please sign this petition and share with others

Gated, insular neighborhoods become more common, the rich become more rich, and races become more geographically isolated from one another.

What could make a difference is if teens have internships, part-time jobs, apprenticeships, mentors, and opportunities to engage in larger society, which includes education, science, the arts, sports, and any engaging, productive option rather than letting kids fall into criminal or gang related groups because no one else is taking care of their needs.

The YM/WCA, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Big Brothers/Sisters can only do so much.

We need Cindy Lucas and her rich white friends to start their own non-profits which engage the at-risk youth in every demographic.

The perceived increase in youth-generated crime coming from kids in the poor black neighborhoods this petition is geared towards has the same source as the opiate/heroin addiction in the upper middle class white kids across this country.

Many adults have become so fvcking self-centered and hedonistic that all they care about is acquiring more money, things, and pleasure for themselves. They have left swathes of the next generation mowed down by adult carelessness to become the next Lord of the Flies cast.

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