Breaking up after rape

I suffer from PTSD as an aftermath of my first mixed psychotic episode. It has taken me over a year of stopping my study and a lot of medication (which I will likely be on for the rest of my life) and therapy. My psychologist has a thing she calls 'four solutions to any problem'

  1. Changing the situation.

OP cannot change the fact she was raped. It happened, and now she is dealing with the aftermath.

  1. Changing how you think about the situation.

This one takes time, it can't be forced. You need to be ready to really believe those thoughts. OP doesn't seem to be there yet, which is fine - everyone needs time to heal after such a traumatic event and there is no set time period for this.

  1. Let it go.

This is the most difficult and elusive solution. Many people don't manage to get to this point. This one will be a monumental struggle for the OP, and could take years.

  1. Be miserable.

Everyone begins at this one. It is a necessary part of the process - it's how we feel and gives us a direction to go in to move on. It is the process of grieving. OP is grieving, and is now trying to move on and help herself. She is not 'playing the victim role'.

Even when you've reached step 3 and let it go, you will likely still relapse to previous steps. Which isn't a sign of weakness or victimising oneself.

Unless you've gone through a recovery involving psychological trauma, you can't truly understand. The depression, warped perceptions and instability makes you doubt yourself and hate yourself for being 'weak' and experiencing your resulting emotions. It is a long and painful process and isn't really helped by invalidating comments.

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