Congress spent more time investigating Benghazi than 9/11, Watergate, Pearl Harbor, or the JFK assassination.

I disagree. I have no party allegiance, don't care about politics, and am not even registered to vote. Yet, the Benghazi incident is a big deal to me because of the Americans who died. There may have been no malicious intent, but the was gross negligence from those involved, including the Secretary of State.

The diplomatic envoy had improper security relative to the country they were in, and were not given what they needed. They had Intel that an attack was possible, and instead of sending in one of the several military units designed to increase Embassy security, such as USMC FAST, they decided to do nothing. Then when they attack happened, they failed to respond properly. The combatant commander, Secretary of State, Pentagon, and more were negligent, bottom line. Their failure to respond properly caused the death of 3 Americans.

If these people are not held accountable for their mistakes, then it may happen again of we allow them to be in a position of power. I'm not saying they deserve jail time, they just need to be held accountable. I have intimate knowledge on this incident, as I was apart of the fiasco and watched it go down, and it sickens me to know without a doubt there are actions that would have saved those 3 lives if the people in charge acted in a timely manner.

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