Looks like a new Iron Banner armor set coming soon

Awful. Only part I like is hunter chest peice. For the love of god they need to actually consider what the damn community thinks is good. I swear every new armour set to come out there are hundreds of posts about how old armour is better and how the new stuff looks awful. They have a strange habit of adding unnesacary parts to armour. Hmmm I wonder what this warlock set needs..... Got it! 3 massive balls on its head and shoulders! I wonder what this hunter set needs.... How about a napkin covering its face? Sounds good to me. What about this other hunter set? Yeah just put a literal emoji on its mask and it'll be good. Fallen armour? That's a great idea. For the titan set make sure to put on as much random bits onto it's head until you can no longer tell its its head. And get rid of all armour on the right arm. I have got no idea how they can make decisions like this. I don't know what happened but it drives insane how out of touch bungie seems to be with what people want for armour. I know some people probably prefer the new stuff but there is no way it's as many as the people who prefer the old look.

/r/DestinyFashion Thread Link - i.redd.it