Loop 5: One Final Chance

The computer voice begins speaking.

"The free objectives have not been updated."

A board appears displaying the free objectives

Person Objective Stability Resonance
Yosef Sutherland Free him from the elevator in Daniels hall +1 +7
"Johnny Andersmith" Make out with a college girl +2 +13
Touko Locate her boyfriend, Dan -1 -8
Lily Wright Maleficent must learn to love +2 +15
Mr. Klein Discover who is drawing dicks on the bathroom stalls all over campus -1 -10
Laurence Linwood Looking for a muse for his poetry -2 -15
Alyssa DaGosto Needs to recruit 3 students to Alpha Phi -1 -9
Mighty Eagle Stop his rampage +2 +17
Charles Scottman Turn his bad day into a good day -2 -14
Rush Spateman Get to class in Salisbury by 1:30 -1 -11
Isabella Epstein Gain the courage to confess her feelings for Maria Crossheart -2 -15
Elane Shaprio Save the sunflowers +1 +8
Gerald Belenkey Wants to see something that will expand his horizons +1 +6
Dane 'The Great Dane' Brown Prove that these damn kids are up to no good +2 +11
Kim Trenelly Exact her revenge on the bullies. -2 -12
Chris Thomas Help solve the closed room murder +2 +13
/r/MyLittleHouseOfFun Thread