This is why you lose money CG, your basic pass costs 3 times more than other games with less rewards and your price is not regionally adjusted. Conquest pass + price gives me food for a week in my country.

This battle pass is legit the worst I have ever seen in any game. I’ll explain… so I was just able to start doing hard mode during the last set of conquests. Through lots of grinding I am able to get beyond the second reward box which are better rewards then maxing normal mode. So if I got either $10 or $30 pass with my current roster I can maybe get to the 3rd box plus the equivalent pass rewards. So everything I am literally unable to do beyond that because of roster strength I lose out on. Where someone who has the roster to get the last box on top of max the pass with same $10-$30 I spent get triple the rewards for their money because their roster is that much farther along. I mean wtf… same amount of money spent… If there was a way to max the pass with my current roster of course I would grind it out. For example those of you familiar with the MSF mojo mayhem pass, I can play rta and blitz to max the pass out. My roster doesn’t stop me from doing that. Same with the strike pass. I long in do my dailies and the extra missions to get that pass completed. Again roster didn’t prevent me maxing the pass out. But I’m not touching this because is absolute crap I don’t even have the chance to max the pass out without spending a couple thousand dollars to get my roster up to that kinda of strength. I’m really at a loss. I would buy the pass if I knew I at least had a chance to complete it. I’d much rather it be my fault for not putting the time in to max the pass vs not have the roster to be able to max the pass. So much potential for this game mode and it’s turned into straight hot garbage with each passing round.

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