Love Jihad Explained

Lol the most absurd paranio around a social phemonemon that doesn't even exist. Their main goal/root of insecurity is Hindu women marrying Muslim men at all whatever be the circumstances in this religious "war"(project), they also know it's not any jihad or fraudery (trads themselves admit it's cuck fantasy). But the whackiest part is it arises out of nowhere, interfaith marriage rate of Hindu women is barely around 2 perc and that would include Hinsu/Jain & Hindu/Sikh marriages too, so you're left w a really really insignificant part of the population daring to break the norm. Like how many of you have seen literally any interfaith marriages at all in you lives? I have seen only one (Hindu/Christian).

And with this non-existent number these guys have endless of insecurities, paranioa, crying, etc.

/r/librandu Thread Link -