Low-carb OMAD one-wok meal prep! Pork belly, salmon fillet & chicken curry. Details in the comments.

16g olive oil
salt, pepper, garlic powder
2 tasty curry cubes
160g coconut cream
1kg cauliflower
300g pork belly
450g salmon
1100g chicken tenders

  1. Season pork belly & salmon
  2. Wash and slice cauliflower
  3. In a wok, add a small amount of olive oil & cook pork belly. Remove when done
  4. Dab salmon with a kitchen towel to remove moisture
  5. Cook salmon. Remove when done
  6. Cook cauliflower. Add oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder as needed (Oh my god the salmon oils on the cauliflower tastes so good). Remove when done
  7. Add oil & 1 curry cube
  8. Add chicken tenders at the center of the wok, then move the previous pieces to the outside perimeter (making a well inside) to add more tenders
  9. Make a well inside once all chicken tenders are partially cooked
  10. Add 1 tasty curry cube & coconut cream
  11. Let the mixture boil
  12. Pour leftover curry soup on cauliflower

Roughly 5700 calories in total for the 7 meals, so each meal is about 850 calories, leaving enough calories for refined and process carbohydrates and milk tea.

/r/MealPrepSunday Thread Link - i.redd.it