Low hanging fruit but damn

Your right, it doesn't work. Neither does socialism though. Look at the comparison in unemployment rate for many socialist countries. France's is almost double America's, same with Finland and Sweden.

Quality of life for the average person is more important IMO than employment rates when judging how well a system of government works.

Employment rates alone tell you nothing about how well a system works.

But how can it be morally right to choose what someone else does with their money?

We're talking about taxes. Are you against taxes? Do you understand the intended purpose of taxes, many contributing a little bit, so that the whole group can benefit.

Our taxes (are supposed to) go to things like public schools, roads, and bridges, postal and emergency services, etc - things that help society do more and advance farther and sooner than they would be able to without.

If we strictly enforced curfews, and limited when and where people could leave their house, wouldn't the murder and crime rate be lower? But why don't we do this? Because it is wrong. If someone worked for their money, I see it as incredibly wrong to take it from them just because they worked hard.

Yes, it would be wrong but what does this have to do with paying taxes? Taxes aren't paid just because someone worked hard, they're paid because we all are supposed to benefit from the things they are spent on. That isn't always the case with corruption but that doesn't change the purpose of taxes.

Why would anyone want to work that hard if they knew the government would take away their hard earned money if they did.

I see no problem with people paying their fair share towards the betterment of everyone, the issue is what is considered fair?

Yes, there are people who do not work hard and inherit their riches, but if you are trying to fix it by also taking money from the person who actually worked for that money, you need to find another way to fix it.

So what do you suggest? People don't have to pay taxes if they don't want to?

/r/facepalm Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com