Lvl 99 (2nd account) giving his 2 cents

First: It's a beta, and as is the case with MANY developers, balancing will remain a huge issue for this game forever, especially when they introduce new updates. Second: Red coupons give you 4 guns, damn good loot, and literally makes the bunker run profitable. Bunkers are supposed to punish players who die repeatedly, and reward those who successfully complete it (also, they're EVENTUALLY going to add more floors so I don't know what'll happen) Third: lol this game shafts over anyone who buys anything, you can grind for anything, and you're better off doing the bunker than "paying to win" in this damn SINGLE player game. Fourth: Free to play doesn't necessarily mean "free to operate". The devs need food, we want free updates, those who want to support the game pay for little boosts to reduce the annoying grind. That's fair. This game is fun! It's neatly polished and I've never encountered game breaking bugs. If anything, players have been able to take ADVANTAGE of bugs/glitches in the game. Dude, I've seen your point hundreds of times across this reddit and this scenario applies to dozens of early access games I've seen. This game is barebones, but pretty. All freemium games have a grinding system to get people to pay to have things they normally would've had by grinding.

/r/LastDayonEarthGame Thread