What were some times when you died inside?

Got caught in a club toilet doing MDMA, a security guard looking over the top of the cubicle and caught me, he said "come on mate" I tried to get out of it "I was just having a piss", "no you weren't, I saw what you were doing".

"Fair enough, I'll be out in a sec"

Left without issue, sat outside the club knowing I had to tell my friends why I was leaving 15 minutes after we arrived. I texted the only other drug-user in my group "I fucked up, got caught" then the mother-hen of the group, and one of my closest friends, called me. I told her what I did and asked for someone to run a key out so I could go home.

She didn't say anything bad but I heard the disappointment in her voice. Someone else brought the key out and I walked off in to the night, feeling worse than I ever had while chemicals made me feel like I was floating and put a permanent smile on my face.

The friend text me saying "I want to talk to you when we get home". I got back to hers, ordered a few pizzas for the group and waited, she got home and didn't say anything when the group came in. Eventually I was outside with her and felt like a little kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

The main point was that she wasn't angry that I did it, just that I didn't tell her I was doing it. I felt like I ruined the night for everyone, went to bed early.

Things were fine after, but damn, that was dumb of me.

/r/AskReddit Thread